A space to document and share my learning throughout teacher education!

category EDCI 335 Blog Posts

Peer Review of Interactive Resource

Hi Breanne, Mickayla, Molly, and Sarah! I appreciate the opportunity to have reviewed your interactive resource/unit plan on descriptive writing; I find seeing the work of other future educators is so beneficial to my learning as I takeaway many ideas… Continue Reading →

Post 4 – Interaction and Perimeter

For my learning pod’s interactive resource assignment, we have created a unit plan teaching measurement and perimeter to grade three students. The video I have chosen off of YouTube can be found down below. Rather than an instructional video, it… Continue Reading →

Post 3 – Scaffolds, UDL Principles, and OXO Grips

Looking at my learning pod’s blueprint assignment and where we are headed with our interactive resource, one major way that we are working to support students through their progression of mastering a new skill (perimeter in our case) is by… Continue Reading →

Post 2 – Direct Instruction

For this week’s blog post I’m excited to dive deeper into one approach to a learning environment; direct instruction. For starters, even if you’re not already familiar with the term direct instruction, I’m almost positive that is the primary way… Continue Reading →

Post 1 – Learning, Theory, and Motivation

Based off of this week’s textbook reading in Chapter 11, I have been able to more thoroughly grasp the foundations behind each learning theory; behaviourism, cognitivism, and constructivism. I personally find that my individual understanding of a concept tends to… Continue Reading →

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