For my learning pod’s interactive resource assignment, we have created a unit plan teaching measurement and perimeter to grade three students. The video I have chosen off of YouTube can be found down below. Rather than an instructional video, it is catchy and fun song that would help students to remember the definition of perimeter.

What kind of interaction would the video require from your students? Does it force them to respond in some way (inherent)?

Evidently, by watching this video students will be interacting with learning materials, without direct intervention from an instructor or their peers, as described in chapter 9.6 of the Teaching in a Digital Age textbook. Requiring students to sit and listen for its duration, the video is interactive in a reflective way; by listening to it students will likely think about their familiarity with perimeter and gain the hard to forget rhyme “perimeter is easy to find, add up all the lengths around the outside.”

In what way are they likely to respond to the video on their own, e.g. make notes, do an activity, think about the topic (learner-generated)?

Oddly enough, I love how redundant the lyrics to the song in this video are – paired with background music and colourful graphics,I could for sure see students singing it all day long. Specifically, our third lesson revolves around calculating the perimeter of polygons, with the first half being introductory in nature and focusing on the definition of perimeter, as well as demonstrating correct perimeter measurements of simple shapes. Once complete, before moving onto the second half of the lesson, I could totally see playing this video as it would reinforce our instruction. In fact, according to the Principles of Learning, exercise (repeating information) allows for improved recall. Then, I would move onto our second learning outcome of the lesson, calculating the perimeter of complex shapes, which mixes direct instruction with a hands-on activity.

What activity could you suggest that they do, after they have watched the video (designed)? What type of knowledge or skill would that activity help develop? What medium or technology would students use to do the activity?

The activity/lesson in our unit plant that we would use to follow showing this video starts with a teacher-led Nearpod presentation, again focusing on the perimeter of complex shapes, that would guide students through discussions, prompts and short quizzes. Then, for application, students would be instructed to pick a number out of a hat with predetermined quantities of each one (i.e. four papers that say “perimeter of 20”). Using grid paper, they would draw a unique shape with a perimeter equal to the number on the paper that they chose. After all the students were finished, they would join a group with others having the same perimeter number. They would then compare their shapes and have a group discussion about how they created them, the challenges they faced, and how the shapes they created were different or the same. Afterwards, everyone would engage in a whole class discussion.

How would students get feedback on the activity that you set? What medium or technology would they and/or you use for getting and giving feedback on their activity?

For this particular activity, working with peers would allow the students to discuss their created shapes and how they arrived at different shapes with the same perimeter length. During this discussion time, a teacher could quickly meet up with the groups to chat about their findings; this would formatively assess the student’s comprehension of how perimeter can be found for complex shapes. During the the whole class discussion, a teacher could also use formative assessment by asking guiding questions to ensure that the students have a sufficient understanding of the lesson’s key points.