Our final class focus was on games and their role in the classroom. I think it was a common and recurring theme that everyone had some experience with the preceding, but mixed feelings in that they weren’t alway sure if… Continue Reading →
This week, our lecture focus was distributed learning. Initially, we were divided into breakout rooms and prompted to brainstorm ideas capturing our experience of both the positive and negative aspects of virtual learning. Reflecting on this past semester, I personally… Continue Reading →
This week, we had a guest visit our cohort, Chantelle Mortary-Adams, who spoke on the behalf of BCEdAccess, an “entirely volunteer-run organization serving families of students with disabilities and complex learners all over the province of British Columbia.” Inclusivity and… Continue Reading →
This week we began our class by discussing the ways in which we have observed technology being used in the classrooms we are currently completing our Wednesdays Field Experiences in. For me personally, I have not seen a multitude of… Continue Reading →
I am personally very appreciative for the transition we made this week from a traditional university-style lecture, to a more interactive, and collaboration-based workshop, thank you Michael! An “EdCamp” is something that I had never heard of, but after participating… Continue Reading →
This week’s lecture touched on videos, and I would specifically like to dive further into how this medium can support learning, or more specifically its relevance to education. I think fundamentally, any sort of image compilation tool will be more… Continue Reading →
This week, in our initial break-out room session, my group had a meaningful talk about cell phones in the classroom, and how we all have varying views of the best way to set children up for success. To explain, for… Continue Reading →
This week our course focus was technology in a school setting, more specifically what digital literacy might mean in 2020, where, especially with the outbreak of COVID-19, a need for networked citizenship has become apparent. One of the topics that… Continue Reading →
For this reflection, I would like to dive deeper into my views of Most Likely to Succeed, which we were directed to watch last week. In particular, during the breakout session I was assigned to, we had a meaningful debrief initially… Continue Reading →
This week I was excited to better get to know everyone over our zoom lecture, as well as discuss the expectations and content to be covered in EDCI 336. In all honesty, I feel overwhelmed by all the new information… Continue Reading →
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