This week our course focus was technology in a school setting, more specifically what digital literacy might mean in 2020, where, especially with the outbreak of COVID-19, a need for networked citizenship has become apparent.

One of the topics that resonated with me the most was the impact that we as adults and individuals pursuing education have on younger generations. To explain, I appreciated how our guest speaker, Jesse Miller, emphasized the abundance of click-bait blog posts on the relationship between social media and children that generally are solely opinion-based, with no data to hold the reasoning accountable. This brings us to the common phenomenon of parents assuming the worst about online platforms, in their being a distraction fostering poor development, when in reality we are role models that need to be conscious of the fact that every time we reach to check a message or read the news for example, often frequent occurrences, we are also displaying a personal sense of entitlement that is likely to be picked up on by those around us.

In addition, my interest was peaked by the diverse takes on cellphone use rules in our school districts, with some having loose guidelines and others banning them altogether. In all honesty, I am not sure where I fall on this spectrum; in the past I was adamant that allowing students to have possession of their devices would ultimately have a negative impact on the classroom dynamic, as, coming from experience, their convince can inhibit social interaction and learning engagement. However, I know realize that this view is somewhat problematic because self-regulation is fundamental competency that children must grasp in order to be able to function successfully later on in life, and will need chances to practice. Thus, I feel as though finding a balance between creating boundaries yet offering opportunities for independence may be a challenge for me, and is something I will definitely ask about and keep in mind as I encounter other teachers and their strategies.